Helping to build brands, develop people, and launch great ideas

Leadership Development | Team Training | Messaging Guidance

What is a lack of intentionality costing you?

The On Purpose Project launched after a client passed away from cancer with his “song still in him.” It wasn’t for lack of audacious goals or know-how; life sometimes gets in the way. As the song goes, “There were planes to catch and bills to pay….”

Nonetheless, closing out that account felt devastating, knowing that dreams were never realized. So, I’ve spent the last 10+ years walking alongside leaders and training their teams to help them hone their vision and bring it to life. If you feel like you and your team have more to bring into the world but aren’t sure what’s holding you back or what to tackle first, let’s chat.

I work with leaders to define and create the world they want to inhabit.

Hi, I’m Christy.

strategist, thinking partner for hire, workshop facilitator, and champion of good people and great ideas

I’ve had the privilege of traveling the world and working with hundreds of businesses and nonprofit organizations. I’ve coached leaders, led workshops, and facilitated training sessions that help people find clarity, determine what they are for, anchor their work in value, and ultimately become better communicators.

After over a decade of living abroad, I’ve settled in the Chicago suburbs with my husband, Hagen, and our curly canine, Watson. I’m a big fan of putt-putt and am always on the hunt for good tacos.

Four beliefs that drive my work

To be clear is to be kind.

Too often we create confusion by overcomplicating things, skirting the main issues, failing to clearly convey expectations, or overburdening our audience with information. This doesn't serve anyone well. At its foundation, communicating clearly is one of the kindest things we can do for our team members, stakeholders, and the community at large.

Honoring dignity is paramount.

What we believe about people - collectively and as individuals -underpins everything we do as leaders and organizations. How we communicate and tell stories is one of the most tangible representations of our values and culture. If honoring the dignity of all individuals is at the root of our practices, we can ensure that our work is empowering to all involved.

Know what you are for.

While it is often easier to know (and communicate) what you are against, I believe it is essential to understand and explain what you are for, what you support, and what is at the heart of your endeavors. Instead of limiting ourselves to being naysayers and opposers, let’s find ways to be champions of good and providers of better ways forward.

Always anchor in value.

Always start by asking yourself the question: what does my audience need, and how am I providing that through this piece of communication, product, or service? Creating for the sake of creation will only get you so far. Serving your audience well by ensuring value in every piece of collateral or offering you create will provide true fans and advocates.

  • Arlene Mendoza

    “Christy has a creative lens towards creating learning experiences that are interactive and engaging. While co-creating a workshop, Christy was able to leverage interactive tools that took my idea to the next level creating an engaging learning experience for our audience.”

  • Karen Schleicher, Q Place

    We had many pieces of gold but didn’t know how to fit them together. In just one morning of working with Christy, we felt confidence that she grasped the value of our ministry and the challenges we were facing. Since then, Christy’s coaching has helped us discover how to put the pieces together and communicate strategically. Now, we are filling our own training groups with people who are more engaged than we have ever seen before.

  • Megan Dougherty

    “Christy is one of the best business coaches I have ever had the privilege to work with. In the year and a bit we spent working together I was blown away by her professionalism, organization, insight, and ability to innovate. (She also has a KILLER sense of humor.)

    She never hesitated to go above and beyond, and her insight and acumen helped dozens of clients see increased success in their business.”

  • Vivek Munshi, BioVentus

    “Thank you again for the great StoryBrand workshop you put on for us. Today I had to present to our Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team and I employed the SB framework to start my presentation. I received many compliments afterwards and know the story I told at the beginning played a major role in how the presentation was received overall. The framework really works! Thank you again for teaching us!”